Porn Use Self Check

Self Check

The Problematic Pornography Consumption Scale (PPCS)

Based on Bothe, et al., The Development of the Problematic Pornography Consumption Scale (PPCS), The Journal of Sex Research, published online 06 Mar 2017 (available at

Answer the following questions, rating them by how much you feel they apply to you from 1 to 7, where: 1 = never, 2 = rarely, 3 = occasionally, 4 = sometimes, 5 = often, 6 = very often, 7 = all the time.

  1. I feel that porn is an important part of my life
  2. I use porn to restore the calmness of my feelings
  3. I think porn causes problems in my sexual life
  4. I feel that I need to watch more and more porn for satisfaction
  5. I tried to reduce the amount of porn I watch, but have not been able to
  6. I become stressed when something prevents me from watching porn
  7. I think about how good it would be to watch porn
  8. Watching porn gets rid of my negative feelings
  9. Watching porn prevents me from bringing out the best in me
  10. I feel like I need more and more porn in order to satisfy my needs
  11. When I decide not to watch porn any more, I can only do it for a short period of time
  12. I become agitated when I am unable to watch porn
  13. I continually plan when I can watch porn
  14. I release my tension by watching porn
  15. I neglect other activities as a result of watching porn
  16. I gradually watched more ‘extreme’ porn, because the porn I watched before was less satisfying
  17. I can resist watching porn for only a little while before I relapse
  18. I miss porn greatly when I don’t watch it for a while

Add the scores for all the questions together. A score of 76 or higher suggests problematic levels of porn use.