Parent Resources

Internet filters 


Safe Surfer

This is a NZ based social enterprise company that has set up innovative software currently filtering 300,000 homes and devices such as phones, laptops, tablets and TVs. It can set device time restrictions, reports on usage, emailing phishing and potentially speed up your internet.

Resources for parents

How to Talk to Your Kids about Pornography (2016)

By Educate and Empower Kids

This booklet provides information and great discussion questions to help initiate productive and meaningful conversations about porn between kids and parents.

How to talk about Porn

By James Beck

A great article on how to talk about porn with your kids by James Beck, Content Director for Attitude Schools Programme at The Parenting Place.

Someone Should Have Told Me 

By Holly-ann Martin

A book for adults to share with children. It uses colourful, fun illustrations and simple statements prefaced by “Someone should have told me…,” to help adults talk to children about potential online and face-to-face dangers.

Keeping Safe on the Web – a children’s book by Safe

This book is designed for parents to help guide their young children through online safety. Kyle the Kingfish takes you through an underwater journey – tackling screen time, bullying, being kind online, protecting children’s identity and pornography.

Australian e-safety parent tools and conversations starters

This site has some great tools and conversation starters for parents with young children.


Safe surfer is a New Zealand based social enterprise company that has set up innovative software filtering solutions for home and devices such as phones, laptops, tablets and TVs.

Good Pictures, Bad Pictures: Porn proofing today’s young kids

By Jensen, Poyner and Fox

This is a children’s book explaining what porn is, why it’s dangerous, and how to avoid it. This book engages young kids to porn-proof their own brains.

Websites for parents

Supporting the latest research on digital media and how it impacts child health, well-being and development.

Jo Robertson’s expert guide of what to say, & when to say it. A step-by-step guide for all things screens, safety & sexual wellbeing​.