Ngā Rauemi mo tātou! Some resources for us all!
Here’s some resources we’ve put together including a range of stuff for young people, whānau, schools, and youth services.
– Young person, TLP ITK survey
This is a new subject area, so we try to update the resources regularly. We don’t always agree with 100% of what every contributor says – so take a “keep what you love, leave what you don’t” approach.
Parent Resources
Parent Resources
Support Services and Counsellors
Support Services and Counsellors
Porn Use Self Check
Porn Use Self Check
Website References
Website References
Kia ora and welcome! The young people of Aotearoa are facing a new pornography (porn) landscape, and with high exposure and unlimited access, porn is influencing youth sexual culture in new and diverse ways. Young people tell us they have varied views and sometimes concerning experiences around porn and that they need, and want, better conversations, information, and support.
Youth and Porn Navigating the Issues has been developed to equip health professionals to better understand youth and porn issues and positively integrate this knowledge into their workplace practice. The kit includes 12 resources across three progressive skills. If you are new to this conversation, it can help to work through each skill, or if you are wanting specific information, please just head directly to the resource you need.

<Resource 1.1>
Potential Porn Impacts, Protective Factors and Vulnerabilities
<Resource 1.2>
Youth and Porn: FAQs
<Resource 1.3>
Youth and Porn: The Research
<Resource 1.4>
Guiding Principles for Porn-related Conversations and Care
<Resource 2.1>
Building Critical Thinking and Porn Literacy
<Resource 2.2>
Cultural Safety in Porn-Related Conversations and Care
<Resource 2.3>
<Resource 3.1>
Incorporating Porn-related Questions into HEEADSSS
<Resource 3.2>
Practical Case Studies for Porn-related Concerns
<Resource 3.3>
Problematic Porn Use
<Resource 3.4>
Support and Referral Services
<Resource 3.5>