How much, or how little, porn is okay for young people?
It is difficult to quantify the amount of porn consumption that could be associated with harm because there are multiple factors contributing to any potential impacts of porn. These include frequency and duration of usage, content type, age of user, sexual experience, and perceived realism.
Some young people may also be more vulnerable to harm; for instance, Rainbow youth, young people with chronic health issues or disabilities, youth from faith-based backgrounds, or youth who have had limited sexuality education (41, 52, 67).
Many young people believe porn can influence them, and a growing body of research suggests that porn can shape young people’s sexual attitudes, expectations, and behaviours (60). Therefore, the unique circumstances and experiences of each young person should be taken into account when considering the amount of porn usage (if any) and the potential for harm.

“I think it’ll depend on the porn… If the porn in question is a violent rape portrayed as normal behaviour, continual viewing of such material will normalise such behaviour, which is obviously a bad influence. On the other hand, if consensual sex is portrayed a part of a normal healthy relationship, I think it can be a positive influence.”
Female, 17 years