Ethical porn – is this a good option for young people?
Ethical porn is porn that is made consensually, the age of the performers is verified, and the actors and filmmakers are paid fairly for their work. It also generally shows more realistic depictions of sex, including people with diverse body types, queer relationships, and female pleasure.
Things to consider when deciding whether or not to recommend ethical porn to a young person include:
- Some sites have ‘ethical’ content, but others can include categories depicting violence, dominance, sexism, and racism.
- Most ethical sites also have a ‘sign up’ process (R18+) that requires age verification and are a ‘user-pays’ service, so the cost and access requirements may be a barrier for many young people.
- Some young people (18+) have found some good ethical sites to be a useful alternative to mainstream porn. Despite the more ethical approach to porn production, the ethical porn industry is geared towards an adult audience, and the content is generally not created for, or targeted at, a young audience. The sites themselves are not a recommended way for young people under 18 years of age to learn about and explore healthy and respectful sex.

“Most useful for me, personally, was learning from my friends, school and erotica sites, since they all helped in their own way. I would want other young people to learn about safe sex and good sex health since I believe that it is important and should be a high priority.”
Rainbow Young Person