S = Sexual health and wellbeing issues
Frequent porn usage can be associated with:
- Lowered sexual health outcomes, such as decreased real-life sexual satisfaction.
- Reliance on porn to become or remain aroused.
- Declining sexual satisfaction or preference for porn over real-life sex.
- Decreasing intimate behaviours (such as kissing).
- Porn-associated sexual dysfunction.
- Relationship issues. Qualitative feedback with young people in Aotearoa has suggested some young people can experience relationships issues including feeling uncomfortable with a partner’s porn usage, pressure to watch or re-enact porn, and/or struggling with porn-related expectations and performance.
See Resource 1.4: Youth and Porn – The Research
(Sexual wellbeing) for references.
(Sexual wellbeing) for references.
“My general experiences is that it [porn] hasn’t been good, because I often am on the receiving end of feeling like I’m not doing well enough. But then also the flip side is that I’ve learned a lot, but it’s just been that I really have taken a huge hit to my ego at times, feeling like I haven’t lived up to it.”
Female, 26 years